New current Account Number for all transactions with Board

Board introduced the new current Account Number of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education-General Fund for all transactions with WBBSE and also the Fess structure for Registration of the Regular and External Candidate for coming Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Education), download Fess structure for Registration with new current Account Number.
  • Notification for correction of Name, Surname and Age of Candidate and his /her father in the Board's documents, Memo No. 124/Sec/23 dated 20.04.2023, download Notice.
New current Account Number for all transactions with Board

Notification for new current Account Number

Deputy Secretary (Examination), W B Board of Secondary Education 
No. DS(C)/046/21   Date: 19.08.2021

This is for your kind information that the Board's new current Account Number is 40334068836 in the name of ''West Bengal Board of Secondary Education-General Fund" and all the transactions with the Board henceforth shall be made in the aforesaid Account Number, instead of the previous one.

A fresh "Bank Challan" in this regarding for remittance of all type of fees to the Board by the school is hereby attached.

Sd/- Mausumi Banerjee (Bhadra)
Deputy Secretary (Examination)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education


Specimen of Fess structure for Registration with new current Account Number

Challan for e-collection of fees, WBBSE
Depositing Branch Name        : ...........................................................................................................
Depositing Branch School ID :  ..........................................................................................................
Nodal Branch                          :            Salt Lake, Sector-II (12361), Kolkata-91
A/C No.                                   : 40334068836              A/C Name    :    WBBSE, GENERAL FUND
IFS Code                                : SBIN0012361                    PAN No :     AAALW0082E 

Particular of Payment

No of Candidate
Rate (Rs.)
Amount (Rs.)















Unsuccessful (CC) 






Unsuccessful (EW) 






Comp. (1 Sub) Reg






Comp. (1 Sub) Ext






Comp. (2 Sub) Reg






Comp. (2 Sub) Ext






Registration IX






External Registration






Printing & Stationerie
(Per Candidate)






Late Fees






PPR per Subject






PPS per Subject 






Change of Centre Fee






Correction Fees






Other (if any)






Total =



    Name of School : ............................................................................................................................
    Address :  .............................................................  PIN: .................................................................
    Sub-Divn :  ........................................... Dist : ................................  Index No : ............................
    Total  Amount (In word) Rupees :  ..................................................................................................
    Signature of the Depositor : ............................................................................................................
    **Transaction ID : .........................................................................................................................
    Signature of the Cashier :  ...............................................................................................................

    * Instruction for Branches : 
     (1) Write Transaction ID as provided space in Challan
     (2) Write Index Number and School Name in Narration 


Correction of Name, Surname and Age in Board's documents

The Secretary,WBBSE
Memo No. 124/Sec/23  Date: 20.04.2023

Reformation made of the clause for the correction of Name, Surname and Age of the candidate and his /her father in the Board's documents in the 20th Ad-hoc Committee meeting of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) held on 07.09.2022.

(i) Birth Registration Certificate (B.R.C) of the candidate is mandatory along with the Admission Register (A/R) of School.

(ii) In case of delayed Birth Registration Certificate (B.R.C) or newly issued B.R.C. it may be sent for authentication as per provision of WBRBD (Amendment) Rules 2005 and 2006 by the competent authority.

(iii) Fees for correction hereby enhanced to Rs. 1000/- (One thousand) only per application for all cases with immediate effect. If it is found that the correction is being applied, necessitated due to same omission or, commission on the part of Board, found after due scrutiny, then the said fee shall be refunded to the applicant.

(iv) Candidates whose D.O.B is prior to 1989 and B.R.C is not available, in that case an affidavit from the 1st class magistrate is needed along with the A/R of school.

(v) An affidavit from the 1st class magistrate as self-declaration regarding service in any Government Organisation should be made within 5 years from the date of joining the service.

The above mentioned points are to be read along with the existing rules for corrections as mentioned in the prescribed form WBBSE/02.


Blank application Forms for correction and duplicate Admit, Mark sheet, Registration and Migration for Board

Sl No
Application Form for correction of Name and Date of Birth etc.
Click here
Application Form for Migration Certificate
Click here
Application Form for Duplicate Registration/ Admit/Mark-sheet/Certificate
Click here