Revised Registration Fees for Higher Secondary

Revised Fess for Verification of documents -Mark-sheet, Pass Certificate etc. Registration Fee for the students of Class XI and Registration Fee for Higher Secondary Examination 2019-21 under West Bengal Council of Higher secondary Education (WBCHSE), download PDF

Revised Registration Fees for Higher Secondary

Revised Fess for Verification of Higher Secondary Section

The Deputy Secretary(Examination), WBCHSE
No. DS(Exam)/26/2019  Date: 12.09.2019
Download PDF (Click here)


This is for notification to all concerned that fees for Verification of documents (Mark-sheet, Pass Certificate etc.) have been revised wef 13.09.2019. Revised rate is Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) per candidate.

Registration Fee for the students of Class XI

For the session 2019-20

The President, WBCHSE
No. L/PR/110/2019  Date: 05.08.2019
Download PDF (Click here)

Attention : Heads of Higher Secondary Institutions

 Council Processing Fee for result of Class XI
 Rs. 30/- per student to be paid from 13.08.2019 along with Registration Form
 Processing Fee for students of Class XII for Enrolment forms
 Rs. 45/- per student to be paid from 06.11.2019 

Registration Fee for Higher Secondary Examination 2019-2021

The President, WBCHSE
No. L/PR/100/2019  Date: 11.07.2019
Download PDF (Click here)

Attention : Heads of Higher Secondary Institutions

Registration for the students of Class XI for the session 2019-2021

 Total (Within Scheduled Date)
 Total (After Scheduled Date)
 Registration Fee Rs 75/- (Non-Migrating Students)
Council Processing Fee Rs. 45/-

 Rs. 120/-

 Rs. 160/-
 Registration Fee Rs 85/- (Migrating Students)
Council Processing Fee Rs. 45/-

  Rs. 130/-

 Rs. 170/-

Registration Forms will be available at our Regional Offices from 18th July, 2019.